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He was able to complete the whole project within a VERY reasonable time span."; pages['main'].testimonials.push(t); t = new Testimonial(); t.attribution = "Sally Allnutt" t.testimonial[0] = "Simon grasped the ideas immediately and his illustrations introduced a whole new level of humour to the project."; pages['main'].testimonials.push(t); t = new Testimonial(); t.attribution = "Adriana Farmiga, Norton Family Office" t.testimonial[0] = "We've had nothing but a top-notch, professional result from Simon Goodway, and would recommend him to anyone, for any project, however large or small!"; pages['main'].testimonials.push(t); function getFolder() { return ""; } var shadingOn = true; var outlinesOn = true; var currSliderPosition = 1; var sliderLen = 139; function caseStudy(name,desc,num) { = name; this.description = desc; this.num = num; } function Testimonial() { this.attribution; this.testimonial = new Array(); } var pic = new Image(); var prev_pic = new Image(); var next_pic = new Image(); 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